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Avery Template 5160 Download for Mac UPDATED

Avery Template 5160 Download for Mac

One gripe you'll hear nigh Pages '09, Apple tree's otherwise excellent give-and-take processing and page layout awarding, is that it provides fiddling in the way of back up for printing labels. But, while it's true that Pages doesn't ship with any built-in label templates, it'south actually piece of cake to create and use standard labels using Pages.

Step 1: Cheque to see if there's a pre-made template

Avery templates
Check the Avery site for pre-fabricated characterization templates designed for use with Apple tree'south Pages. Sometimes you lot'll go lucky.

You lot might already know that yous can download tons of Microsoft Word templates for the almost common labels directly from the Avery Label Website. You tin open a Word template in Pages, simply you'll frequently need to adapt the measurements slightly to brand the templates work. (If you choose to go this route, skip to Step 6.)

Avery at present offers downloads for a limited selection of templates in a Pages format besides. Simply oftentimes you'll find that there are no downloadable templates bachelor for the label that you want to utilize. That'southward when you lot need to create a characterization from scratch.

Stride 2: Go the measurements

Label measurements
Await at your labels to find their measurements. You'll use this information to create your template from scratch.

Labels with no templates typically have measurement information that yous tin utilise to create the label manually. For the purposes of this practise we're going to utilise the information that ships with Staples brand Big Tabs 8 tab folder dividers, only you tin can substitute whatever numbers you need for the labels you want to utilize. Search the package for measurement information or utilize a ruler to take measurements from the label itself. You'll apply this data to create the template.

Stride 3: Create a new document

It will be easier to tweak your label layout if you open ii Inspector windows, i for certificate settings and the other for table settings, forth with the label document you're working on.

To create your own template, launch Pages (in /Applications) and create a new, blank word processing document. Later the blank document appears, open 2 Inspectors by first choosing Show -> Inspector, and so choosing View -> New Inspector. Gear up i to display document settings and the other to brandish table settings. When y'all're done, your workspace should look like the image above.

Step 4: Set up the margins

Document inspector
When yous're done making changes to the document layout, your Document Inspector should look like this.

Use the certificate inspector to brand changes to the layout of the document using data from the measurements you found. Make sure to remove the checks from the Headers and Footers checkboxes equally headers and footers limit the amount of printable space available to you on the page.

Step v: Create a tabular array

Headers & Footers
Set the Header option to nada in the Headers & Footers section of the Table Inspector.

Next add a new table to the certificate using the Tabular array button on the Toolbar. (Alternatively, you can add together a table using the Insert -> Table carte.) Past default, Pages inserts a iii-by-three table with a single header row. You'll need to change that using the Tabular array Inspector.

Select the tabular array and and so, in the Inspector, change the body rows and columns to reverberate the labels nosotros're using—xx body rows and 2 body columns. (Nosotros're getting the information nosotros need for the tabular array from the Number Across and Number Down fields of the 8 Tab characterization template.)

Next, click on each of the buttons nether the Header & Footer department and cull zero. At present, change the column width to ane.5 inches and the row tiptop to .5 inch. You should annotation that the column width field volition just let you to modify the number to 1.49 inches. We'll fix that in a infinitesimal.

You don't want each table to automatically resize if you add likewise much text, and so uncheck the the checkbox that says Automatically Resize To Fit Content. Select the Cell Background section and choose None.

Step half-dozen: Brand necessary tweaks

Both inspectors
When you lot've made your adjustments, the Table and Certificate Inspectors should await like this.

You'll notice that, even though we've entered the information exactly as it appears in the measurements on the labels packet, our labels don't all fit on a single page. To fix this you lot'll need to adjust the bottom margin, changing it to .4 inch using the Document Inspector (not the Tabular array Inspector). When y'all're washed, impress the template, with the table lines still visible, and hold it up to the light backside 1 of your labels and then that you can compare the lines on your template to the actual lines on the label.

For this template, after looking at the label in the light, yous're going to have to make another pocket-size adjustments. In this case, I changed the left margin to 2.75 inches; right margin to 2.73 inches; summit Margin to .49 inch; and the bottom Margin to .4 inch. Once I fabricated these changes I could alter the column width to 1.5 inches.

Making adjustments is less a matter of scientific discipline than it is a matter of judgement. I suggest that y'all make smaller changes, .1 inch here .05 inch there, and remember that the Edit -> Undo menu is your friend.

Step 7: Clean up your template and print

Finished labels
When your labels are finished and printed, yous'll get something that looks similar this.

Once you're satisfied with your template, use the Table Inspector to remove the cell borders from your table. Starting time, select the table. (One manner to do this is to control-click on the table and choose Select All.) Then select None from the Table Inspector's cell borders menu.

When you're satisfied with your work, save your new label as a Pages template and then yous tin use it once again in the future (File -> Salvage every bit Template). At present y'all're ready to impress out your labels.

Jeffery Battersby is an Apple tree Certified Trainer, (very) smalltime actor, and regular contributor to Macworld . He writes about Macs and more at his blog.

Avery Template 5160 Download for Mac UPDATED

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